Find your way in the store trough the light


Philips demonstrated its new ‘indoor-GPS-system’ for retail during the EuroShop (Düsseldorf 16-20 February). A special app analyzes the light signals of the store and the system provides location-based information to the customer. The lighting communicates with the app and sends offers and additional information to the customer. The customer can easily find the way via his smartphone or tablet through the store. Retailers can equip points of sales with specific information. Philips is testing the system in a number of retail stores. Download the infographic. 

Tattooed J&B whiskey bottles


J&B Rare whiskey goes back to its roots and has released 25 tattooed limited edition bottles. The bottles are coated with a latex skin, so they could be tattooed just like a human skin. Tattoo artist Sébastien Mathieu tattooed the bottles and it took him about 20 hours per bottle. The tattooed bottles are available in Paris at Publicis Drugstore and L’éclaireur rue Herold.

Virgin America helps travelers to connect with others


  • Virgin America

Airline Virgin America has launched a new social network app, the ‘Here On Biz’ app. The app connects people on the plane or at the airport through their LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter. Travelers can make contact with people on the same flight or another Virgin America flight, people at the airport or with people at their destination. The airline wants to reinvent the flying experience for their customers and the app is part of the campaign.

Leave a message to the farmers


  • fairtrade

Consumers often do not know where their food comes from. Cisse Trading Co, a company that focuses on Fairtrade chocolate bakes and drinks, gives consumers the opportunity to send a message to the farmers. There is a QR-code at the packaging of the food that can be scanned by the customer. The consumer is linked to the Facebook page where they can leave a message to the farmers. So there is more transparency and it creates a connection between the farmer and the consumer who buys their products.

Young Talents Festival


This Monday 24 February the ‘Koksgilde’ and Gastronomixs organize the Young Talents Festival at Koppert Cress in Monster. Syrco Bakker (Pure C resto bar – Lounge*), Bas van Kranen (Restaurant De Leuf**) and Maik Kuijpers (De Librije***) give live demonstrations and there are several other activities. The festival is targeted on the chefs that gratuated in 2013 on level 3/4, but there are also limited tickets available for members of the Koksgilde and Gastronomixs.

Temporary city in empty building


  • tijdelijke stad

Jaap Urban started a project to provide a temporary practical solution for one empty building in Groningen at the end of April or the beginning of May 2014. With the launch of he motivates citizens and entrepreneurs to think along about the optimal use of a building for one week. Potential buildings can be suggested via the website, when one is found, the contents of the program and pop-up stores can be filled in. This can vary from temporary shops and sport facilities to restaurants and office space for entrepreneurs. Next that events and workshops will complement the program for the period.

Within three weeks a suitable building will be picked.

Only Canadians can open this fridge


The Canadian beer brand Molson Canadian has placed a striking red fridge full with Molson Canadian beers in Canada’s Olympic House. However, the fridge can only be opened with a legitimate Canadian passport. A passport is first inserted into a slot located to the left of the fridge door and the door will be unlocked. Once the door is open, anyone can grab a beer, also the people who are not from Canada. The fridge encourages people to look for a Canadian friend. The refrigerator was placed at multiple locations in Europe before the Winter Olympics.

Eat fashion


For the pastry chefs among our followers: the International Culinary Center literally takes a bite out of fashion! To promote the New York Fashion Week the International Culinary Center has made an exact copy of a Coco Chanel purse out of chocolate! In the video above, the model suddenly begins to eat her purse in the middle of a subway.

World’s highest hotel


The ‘Shanghai Tower’ will open its doors in Shanghai in 2014. The building has a total height of 632 meters with 121 floors. Between the 84th and 110th floor of the building there will be a hotel with 320 rooms. This is the highest hotel in the world. The building has walls of glass so it gives a 360 degree view of the city. The ‘Shanghai Tower’ will also have a number of retail stores, offices, cultural facilities and an observation deck.

Hotel bar I-Dock


  • Terrace-I Dock

Restaurant, Bar & Marina Terrace I-Dock, located on the ground floor of the new Room Mate Hotel Aitana Amsterdam, opened its doors at February 8. The hotel bar I-Dock is a place where hotel guests and passers-by can enjoy breakfast, lunch, dinner or drinks. The menu is Mediterranean oriented with the concept of small dinners. Guests can taste different dishes or share the small bites with each other. At night the hotel bar transforms into a night club with DJs and live bands. I-Dock is a initiative of business caterer Vitam.

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