Toss Your Boss from the Hyatt Regency SF


  • abseilen

Rappeling from the 23-story Hyatt Regency in San Francisco, this is possible at the 27th and 28th of March! On the 28st various VIP’s will be rappelling and labelled as ‘City Rappel Day’. With this promotion Outward Bound California and the Hyatt Regency will raise money for OTE (Over The Edge). This is an organization in America that offers outdoor learning opportunities for people with low incomes, and teach those people that they can achieve more than they ever thought possible. One can register as an individual, but it’s also possible to ‘Toss Your Boss’ as a company. Make your reservation at Learn more about the Hyatt Regency via their YouTube video.

Haircut at the bar


  • knipbeurt

Every Tuesday Lotte Maas (35) cuts at café bar Baarsch, Amsterdam. As ‘Amsterdam pop-up hairdresser’ they cut some eight clients a night in the pub. Previously she cut include at Club VLLA, festivals and soon at OT301. Easy for anyone with too little time for a haircut during office hours and weekends. In addition, waiting is a lot more fun with a beer and for the bar owner it’s a win as well because there is extra traffic on a Tuesday night.

Computer system combines ingredients for a recipe


IBM collaborated with the Institute of Culinary Education (ICE) to cook up dishes based on recipes created by the computer, the project is called ‘cognitive cooking’. The IT company IBM has been working for several years to develop a computer that thinks like a human, and recently they came up with a system that compiles recipes. The cook can add an ingredient in the computer system, the system analyzes what might go with a key ingredient identified by the chef and gives a combination that is probably never made before. The food pairing is based on research and scientific theories on the pairings of ingredients. Some examples of unique combinations are Baltic apple pie and an Austrian chocolate burrito. The chefs will serve the special dishes paired by the computer via the IBM Food Truck. Via the website consumers are kept informed about the route of the food truck.

Croquettes during a Corendon flight


  • kroket

Corendon Dutch Airlines will serve the traditional Dutch snacks croquette and ‘bitterballen’ during their flights. A survey by the airline revealed that the ‘Dutch atmosphere’ is important during a flight. The snack is specially developed in close cooperation with Dutch croquettes makers, because the kitchen and the taste are different in the air than on the ground.

Update: in the meanwhile crispy snacks were developed that can be prepared without a deep fryer. Check out the article here.

Organic lifestyle festival EkoTown


  • ekotown

The first edition of the EkoTown festival will be organized at the ‘Amsterdamse Bos’ on 21 and 22 June. It is the first organic lifestyle festival in the Netherlands. The two day during festival is dedicated to a healthy organic lifestyle. The pop-up village has several plazas where visitors can join different activities such as boot camp classes, yoga, a debate about superfood and the future of our food. Various dishes can be tasted at the Taste Plaza, where also farmers and growers tell their story about the fruit and vegetables. Besides the various plazas there are also performances.

Who serves the most original sweets with coffee?


In the Netherlands a cup of coffee or tea is traditionally served with a cookie. Research confirms that over approximately 90 percent of the Dutch people underline the importance of our cookie with coffee or tea. It even appears that the evaluation of guests for the cup of coffee or tea depends on the cookie that they get served  with it. It’s the key to success! What do you serve with your tea or coffee? Surprise your guests with something original and different than the standard! And especially when you also serve your ‘specialty’ to the children of your guest, you have a chance that they are coming back for more cookies & coffee!  In this article an overview of 10 inspiring, amazing special sweets to be served with your cup of coffee or tea. Read more

Gigantic Pinterest board


Caribou Coffee launched an interesting marketing campaign in collaboration with agency Colle + McVoy to promote the newest coffee blend. In the shopping mall ‘Mall of America’ in Minnesota a huge Pinterest board was set up with pictures of the coffee process. Passersby could take photos of the gigantic Pinterest board (with attributes) with their smartphone. The passerby could upload the photos with the hashtag #caribouinspires on Twitter and Instagram.

The price strategy of Dagelijks Lekker


  • dagelijks lekker

Recently the 4th store of Dagelijks Lekker (Daily Yummy) opened in Leiden. The stores are located at prime locations in Alkmaar, Haarlem and at the Zuidas in Amsterdam. Dagelijks Lekker delivers mainly to employees of stores and offices, but also serves to passersby. The price strategy is remarkable, all the products cost € 1.70. The assortment includes products like soup, smoothies, soft drinks, fresh sandwiches, etc.. This concept is spotted by Wesley Huning.



Written by Julia Soldic.

On March 21, 2014, the kick-off of what seems to become the world’s most prestige Street Food Conference- and Festival, Streat Helsinki, is taking place in the capital of Finland. Street Food has been on the food radar for many years, but it’s not until this year the world is about to experience a true Street Food Mecca surprisingly located in the Nordic capital.

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Cinema Culinair at nhow Rotterdam


Cinema on location is getting more and more populair. Recently we’ve spotted the hot tub cinema’s in Amsterdam, in April the movie ‘Lost in Translation’ is screened at the nhow hotel in Rotterdam. On 18 and 19 April guests can drink a Suntory whisky during the movie just like the main character Bob Harris.

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