Ibis Rotterdam City Centre opens its doors to bloggers


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At 15 August the Ibis Rotterdam City Centre opened its doors at the ‘Wijnhaven’ area in Rotterdam. To get guests acquainted with the hotel before opening, blogger Josie of maryjosie.com was invited to live in the hotel for two weeks (one week before opening and one week after opening). In this way, the blogger could share her experiences in and around the hotel, but also give the hotel an insight for an optimal guest experience. The Ibis Rotterdam City Centre organized several activities, starting off with an hotspot tour with 19 co-bloggers. The bloggers all agreed that the location is one of the USP’s of the hotel. The ‘Wijnhaven’, what is both located in the city centre and in the harbor, is an upcoming urban development area. This makes the area very attractive to live, work and stay in.

The Fish and Season festival 2014


  • vis en seizoen festival

The Fish and Season festival is a 3-day culinary festival dedicated to sustainable and delicious fish. The festival takes place in the market hall of the Food Centre in Amsterdam that will be transformed into a Valhalla for fish-lovers, with a large kitchen for demonstrations and a foodcourt. Guests of the festival can see demonstrations of several top-chefs, enjoy great dishes and be inspired by the newest innovations in fish-preparing methods.

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Restaurant day: Chef for one day


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In 2012, we already wrote an article about ‘Restaurant Day’; the initiative from Helsinki where four times a year amateurs can open their own restaurant. The restaurants can be set up everywhere and are meant to share new food experiences and enjoy common living environments together. The initiative evolved over the years into the biggest worldwide food carnival with over 9600 restaurants at 56 countries.
In the Netherlands a ‘restaurant for one day’ will open as well; in Amsterdam the Spanish restaurant La Cuchara Spanish Food have participated since February 2013. The goal is to bring genuine Spanish food tradition to the city of Amsterdam. La Cuchara joins the ‘Restaurant Day’ Sunday 17 August with a special ‘The Scarlet Shrimp Edition’.

End your working day in style: Amsterdam Afterwork by Heineken


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Following Madrid and Barcelona, the initiative ‘Afterwork by Heineken’ is launched in Amsterdam as well. Afterwork by Heineken revive the traditional afterwork-drink by organizing these at the most beautiful places in Amsterdam. Examples of these locations are the Skylounge of the DoubleTree by Hilton, the roof terrace of Floor17 and the Oyster Club. End your working day together with your colleagues in style; with an ice-cold Heineken, luxurious snacks and good music. At the website AmsterdamAfterwork you can check the dates and locations of the coming editions and register yourself on the guest list.

Mossel & Gin: Gin Tonics on location


‘Mossel en Gin’ opened in June officially its doors in Amsterdam and is already developing. This is a restaurant where people come to eat clams and drink Gin. Not only are they serving clams in different styles, the small menu includes small fish-dishes and lobster as well. The Gin is served in different brands and in surprising ways. The GinMare served with basil is our favorite. For people who want these Gin and Tonics on location as well; the gentlemen of ‘Mossel en Gin’ developed under the motto ‘Gin Mobile, there were the party is’ their own Gin Mobile.

Sydney Food Trucks project


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Across the City of Sydney, several food trucks are operating as part of the Sydney Food Trucks Project. The trucks offer diverse dining options such as kingfish ceviche, veggie burgers and organic gourmet pizzas what can be washed down with non-alcoholic sangria and fresh juices. In 2011, people in Sydney were asked what they wanted to see happening in Sydney during the ‘after hours’. The overwhelming response was to have more food options and from there the Food Truck Project was born. The food trucks are operating at different locations around the city, which can be followed with the Sydney Food Truck app. The project is a one-year trial for now.

The Reebok Bacon Box


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The sportswear brand Reebok has started a new campaign featuring the Reebok Bacon Box. The Bacon boxes were send to athletes of the Reebok CrossFit games and handed out from a foodtruck at the games itself. Using the motto “who doesn’t love Bacon?” Reebok engages customers who love bacon with their brand. The campaign responds to the athletes who follow the Paleolithic (“Paleo”) diet, where bacon is one of the most beloved treats. The Reebok Bacon is produced in line with the recommendations of the diet and doesn’t contain nitrates, preservatives, msg and sweeteners. We think this campaign is an interesting example of blurring of branches and we are curious which brand follows this example..

Kimchiwawa dried kimchi


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TOP Foodlab developed a new product that adds flavor to your food called Kimchiwawa. It is based on dried kimchi, a traditional Korean side dish. Kimchi has a strong and funky flavor and is made from fermented vegetables and spices. Add Kimchiwawa to a product like vegetable chips or popcorn to give it a typical Korean flavor. When you are not familiar with the taste of kimchi, we really recommend you to taste it. Kimchiwawa can soon be tried at events and bought at several outlets in the Netherlands.


A piece of Paramaribo in Amsterdam


In Amsterdam a new tropical restaurant, Waterkant, was opened. The restaurant is located in the city centre of Amsterdam and is inspired by the city of Paramaribo in Suriname. There are typical Surinamese dishes on the menu, such as Roti and Saoto soup, but also Angus burgers, grilled chicken and lobster. Waterkant is a great place to enjoy the tropical atmosphere with a typical Surinamese Parbo-beer.

Foodlogica sustainable bike transport


‘Cities’ known from the book ‘Farming the City’ has launched a pilot project for electric bicycle transportation this summer. The project Foodlogica connects local food, businesses and consumers. Food Logic uses an hourly rate of € 20, – including driver during the pilot. With 300 kg per transport (including the driver), maximum dimensions of 120 x 94 x 120 cm and a radius of 50 km it can be an interesting alternative for small sustainable entrepreneurs.

Participants pilot
The first participants in the pilot are the Chocolate Makers, Bee Box, ‘Van Boer tot Bord’, Willem & Drees and Juice & Salad Cafe.

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