Communicating with your guests before the opening


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Nikie Houben, manager of the Terhills hotel in Maasmechelen is already busy tweeting about the hotel. Whilst the opening is planned for March 2015, she already inspires with her tweets.

Communicating with your guests before the opening

Recently we read a tweet from Nikie Houben who is the – Guest Loving – hotel manager of the Terhills Hotel. She tweets about preparations leading up to the opening of the new hotel by the ‘Different Hotels’ group. Mood Boards, products from suppliers, photos of the property, inspiring lyrics and so on. We often see that entrepreneurs / managers are so busy in the pre-opening process that they forget to communicate about it or outsource the communication to an agency. The beauty of communicating about the project you are working on, is the fact that it shows your commitment. The enthusiasm of Nikie is a great inspiring example, we really believe she is a guest loving hotel manager.

Quote of Nikie Houben

“At Terhills Hotel it’s all about the experience. A personal and friendly approach and contact is very important! So the sooner you get to know your guests the better. This way the Terhillls Team will also be able to respond to the taste and needs of its future guests. And isn’t it fun when you feel this on arrival?!”

Terhills Hotel

This new lifestyle experience Hotel is located in the former main building of a coal mine in Eisden, part of the city of Maasmechelen. The hotel offers a cocktail of fashion (located near Maasmechelen Village, Outlet Shopping), nature (National Park Hoge Kempen), comfort and culinary enjoyment. It includes 60 luxurious rooms including 7 suites, a cozy bar with lounge corners and a spa in the neoclassical baroque style building. Designers from Limburg county contributed to the realization, Simoni Architects from Hasselt has made modern and clean lines in the building and the interior is provided by Dôm Deco from Dilsen-Stokkem.

Different Hotels

The Terhills Hotel is part of this hotel group which originates in Belgian Limburg. The group has a total of 11 hotels in Limburg and Antwerp.

Recruiting staff

Last year the nhow hotel in Rotterdam had some interesting pre-opening communication as well. The hotel opened in January 2014 and launched a recruitment party in 2013. Next to communicating with your guests you can start a conversation with potential suppliers and staff as well.

Christmas cocktails by Cocktailicious


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We read more and more about winter cocktails, innovative cocktails with tea, coffee or other strange combination and newly opened cocktail bars. On the website Cocktailicious cocktail lover Caroline writes about cocktails, including 250 different recipes and various cocktail bars. For the Holidays we want to suggest the recipes for the Christmas Spoom and the luxury Christmas punch to surprise your guests.

The first cocktail shaker that composes a unique ‘Hospitality Trends cocktail’ for us will be awarded with a spot in our hall of fame!

Check the recipes for the Christmas Spoom and the Christmas punch (Dutch).

Winter garden in Amsterdam


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How do you use your outdoor area during the cold days? Do you transform it into a cozy winter garden or do you prefer a skating rink on the roof terrace? For three months Restaurant & Bar Herengracht changes its outdoor area into a winter wonderland. With heaters, fire places and a semi-roofed terrace it is a nice place to be during these dark days.

The Winter Garden Amsterdam

The Winter Garden is open from late November till late February 2015. There will be three matching winter events, each with a cool theme.

Typical wintry

At the terrace the temperature will be a few degrees higher than on the streets. Not only the ‘heaters’ cause these higher temperatures, but also by the nose warming winter cocktails, mulled wine and hot chocolate served from the special outdoor bar. Typical wintry snacks and dishes like homemade pea soup, cheese fondue and game completes this winter concept.

Three special winter events

The winter garden will set the stage for three events at Restaurant & Bar ‘Herengracht’, which is located near the ‘Koningsplein’ in Amsterdam. The first event will be hosted in Christmas spheres on 20 December, the second event highlights the theme ‘let’s go wild’ on 24 January with wild boar on the spit, the final special is a huge cheese fondue party.

Robots manage restaurant


A restaurant owner in China completely replaced his staff by robots.

Robots manage restaurant

Recently we wrote an article about flying robotic waiters in Singapore. The flying robotic waiters are created to help the waiters with difficult tasks. Lu Dike from China has a different mindset and lets robots serve his whole restaurant. The restaurant is located in Zheijang, a province in China. Lu Dike is convinced that it will save him a lot of money in the future. The robots are able to formulate 40 sentences which allows them to take orders from customers and transmit the orders to the kitchen. The robots have sensors that prevent them from bumping into something.

Mealworm spread


  • Green Kow

Green Kow is a Belgian company that launches products based on bugs (mealworms). They came up with vegetable spread that contains 5% mealworms.

Mealworm spread

At the trade fair of Health Ingredients Europe 2014 the Green Kow presented mealworm spread. The vegetable spread is full of vitamins, proteins and mineral salts. This is all because of the mealworms that are incorporated. Besides the vegetable spread has a high nutrition value, the production process of it is more efficient and less polluting because of the breeding of bugs instead of for example chicken.


The Green Kow has four types of spreads. There are two salty and two chocolate spreads. The spreads consists of carrot-mealworm, tomato-mealworm, dark chocolate-mealworm and milk chocolate-mealworm. The salty spreads are available at the organic shops in Belgium. The chocolate spreads will be added soon. The recipe for the mealworm spread is created by Belgian two star Chef Sang-Hoon Degeimbre.

Inspiration from Retail


What could the hospitality industry learn from the ‘Future of Retail 2015’ report of PSFK? Rehab Studio Ltd. has made a video with a number of recommendations from the report. The recommendations include:

  • Retailers will be challenged to create custom tailored experience for every shopper.
  • They need to create the technical ability to embrace this personal experience.
  • The stores will increasingly need to focus on the fact that they need to be a hub for community involvement. That’s one of their benefits over online shops.
  • Checkout must be faster and more easy; paying mobile could just bring that!

Inspiration from retail to the hospitality industry

Especially for larger catering and fastfood companies there are a number of recommendations in the movie of the rehabstudio Ltd. that can be inspiring for the future. Could it work for you if you would receive personalized lunch suggestions by ‘La Place’ if you regularly eat there?
For restaurants in smaller villages, it is important to be the community hub. More and more services disappear from the smaller villages, so you could start operating as collect point for the mail, the dry cleaners and so on. As long as a large part of your potential guests does visit your restaurant on a regular base!
The catering is of course faced with new payment methods, such as paying by mobile. However, many bar, restaurants and café still only accept cash payments! The video ends with a hospitable gesture: home delivery of the groceries! Why doesn’t the hospitality industry turn this around… Why don’t they deliver a custom-made meal at the home of their guest?

Doritos Crunchy Crust Pizza


Pizza Hut Launches Doritos Crunchy Crust Pizza In Australia.

A lot of pizza inspiration

This Doritos Crunchy Crust Pizza is a great addition to our article: 10 times pizza inspiration and inspiration for Dutch pizza makers. On the other hand the pizza makers from Australia could be inspired by the pizza from Domino’s Pizza with sausage in the crust and with sauerkraut. Recently, we also spotted a pizza with 99 cheeses. The inspiration for this pizza comes from the ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ movie where they try to seduce a Ninja Turtle with a fictional pizza with 99 cheeses, although described in the movie as a ‘culinary impossibility’. World champion pizza maker, Johnny di Francesco from Melbourne proved them wrong and made one.

Doritos Crunchy Crust Pizza

The pizza crust is made of melted mozzarella cheese layered with smashed Doritos and sprinkled with cheddar cheese. So kind of like a pizza meets nachos! Another example of combining everyone’s favorite fastfood items! Pizza hut serves this crunch at different pizza’s. Would you like to taste a Doritos crunchy crust pizza? Or should we start a social media campaign to bring this crust to the rest of the world?

Storytelling about going green


The Beech Hill hotel provides us with inspiration about telling (future) guests about the efforts they have taken to cherish their location. The hotel is located at the beautiful Lake Windermere in the Lake District in the United Kingdom.

The Beech Hill hotel

At Twitter we spotted this great storytelling about going green. We notice that more and more hotels are going green. The owners of the Beech Hill hotel realize that their guests are coming to enjoy their surroundings and their hospitality. The last couple of years they made changes in the operations of the hotel and reduced the carbon foot print by approximately 463 tonnes of Carbon Dioxide per year. A great example of running the hotel in a sustainable way.

Storytelling about going green

The hotel had a video made about the efforts they have taken to reduce their carbon foot print. The video shows all the details and tells how they carefully run the hotel in a sustainable way. Of course they show the surroundings of their hotel as well.
They installed a Biomass Boiler instead of the previously used 4 large boilers with kerosene as fuel. Replaced their lights with LED lights. In order to reduce waste they reuse and recycle, paper, carboard, glass and furniture. They have been awarded by Trip Advisor with a Bronze Level Green Leader.

Self-skimming beer glass


The innovative self-skimming beer glass from FndF is marketed by Triple S International. The self-skimming beer glass has a slightly bevelled edge, resulting in skimming being unnecessary and the lager always gets a firm head of foam. The design can be delivered in glass as well as in plastic.

The benefits of the self-skimming beer glass

The company explains the benefits of their innovative glass on their website. They created a list of benefits for the consumer, catering and the breweries. The main reason to start using this glass for your guests is the fewer hygiene risks due to a skimmer in stagnant water. For the hospitality industry the biggest advantage is that anyone can tap well in this glass, especially during peak hours. You also have less loss caused by bad tapping.

Nominated for the Horecava Innovation Award 2015

Like the Breathometer Breeze, these glasses are also nominated for the Horecava Innovation Award 2015 (The Netherlands). The glasses are just like the Breathometer nominated in the category ‘Equipment and Services’. Voting is possible here.

The Tree Lighting Party by The Pierre New York


  • Tree Light Party

Last weekend I happened to see a tweet of hotel The Pierre New York which invited its followers to The Pierre’s Holiday Tree Lighting Party. The Pierre New York, celebrates the lighting of their Christmas Tree by offering their guests a free cocktail if they take a little toy for charity!

We have recently written an article about the Christmas trees at the Claridge Hotel in London. For several years already they invite great designers to decorate their Christmas trees. They also organize a Tree Lighting Party just as the large department stores in London, New York and the ‘Bijenkorf’ in the Netherlands celebrate their ‘window lighting party’, since a couple of years.

Combine the Tree Lighting party with charity

The Pierre New York Hotel is trying to tempt guests to take along a toy for charity. A couple of years back I read about parties in Hollywood where Christmas trees decorated by celebrities were auctioned for charity. Nice idea to create a similar auction with your local celebrities!

^ Marjolein van Spronsen

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