Fiii Fun House, the place that has everything to make kids happy


Fiii Fun House is a fun restaurant for kids. It has toys, swings, hanging hammocks (for the sleepy young ones), a coloring table, a ballroom, a play area for babies and an area for the parents and other adults to enjoy a meal while the kids play.

The interior of Fiii Fun house

Fiii house is located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and is designed by architect Iris Cantante, obviously with kids in mind! The environment is eco-friendly and a lot of wood was used in the design to create a calming atmosphere. The owners Mariela Vergagni and Diego Cores have an eatery that offers something for everybody from 0 till 99 years of age. The two-story space features a top floor designated for private events and a bottom floor with long communal tables, with for example swings as seats. So no more: ‘don’t rock your chair!’

Upselling with a luxury bathing service


  • menu21 & bathtub3 by Freepik via flaticon_com (Creative Commons 3)Image: Freepik via flaticon_com (CC 3)

At the Ritz hotel in Kuala Lumpur, you can choose a bath ‘fragrance line’ from a Bath Menu. A luxurious gesture … We wrote about the Bath Menu in our publication ‘Royal hospitable gestures’ in April 2013.

Luxury bathing service at St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel

Recently we read an article on Luxury Launches that the St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel is bringing back the Bath Ritual. This (free) service is only available to guests of the suites of the hotel. The guests can choose between 3 rituals: Journey to India, Journey on the Silk Route and Journey to Africa. The bath will be prepared while guests drink or dine. After returning to your room, your bath will be ready and you can bathe with a set of fragrances, body oils and unguents, while enjoying a cup of tea and a slice of cake or something healthy. After this relaxing bath you can use the lotion from one of the ‘ritual bath’ lines.

Inspiration: More luxury hotels offer a ‘bath butler’ service. The butler comes to your room with the luxury bath products the hotel offers, you choose the one you prefer and buy it. If a hotel offers the right products this might be a form of upselling.

Corn Cobs as yellow submarines


The barbecue season is almost there and what tastes better than corn on the cob? The Spredo, a dual-purpose butter and salt dispenser is fun and easy to use. It makes your corn cob look like a little yellow submarine!

The Spredo is designed for corn cobs

The dual-purpose butter and salt dispenser is designed by Avichai Tadmor for Monkey business. It’s playful and designed for the Beatles fans ;-). The Spredo’s curved bottom is shaped to rest flush on a cob’s surface. It comes with two compartments: one at the bottom for the butter and another at the top for salt.

Book about wine adventures + B(u)y the Barrel


Jacqueline van Liere, owner and wine-food-specialist of restaurant & foodbar SchultenHues (*) in Zutphen (The Netherlands), is going to write a series of wine books, together with wine importer Robert Benier. The series is called ‘The Great World of Amazing Wines’ and Jacqueline and Robert write about their travels around the world and they show us the amazing world of wine. During the journey, big chefs will be visited, to prepare and taste the most favorite wine-parings with them. Back in Zutphen, the wine will be tasted with Peter Gast (chef and owner of restaurant & foodbar SchultenHues), friends and colleagues.

In the first book of the series a dish of Peter Gast will be combined with a few wine-discoveries. Besides that pretty pictures, rare wine pairings and a great story about the wine-maker Martin Steinmann.

B(u)y the Barrel

Jacqueline and Robert are going a step further…. They want you to taste along with their discoveries! That’s why they create their own, quirky, wine in every country they will visit. They create the wine with one of the nicest and best winemakers from that country. There will be created one rare ‘barrel’, which has maximum of 600 bottles. These rare bottles are exclusive available. The first wine is made of the Chardonnay grape and are vinified on the Schloss Sommerhausen in Franken, Germany. Created by Jacqueline, Robert and Martin Steinmann. There are different offers, such as one of a bottle + book but you can also order 6 bottles. You can find the offers here.

Popup Melksalon


A milk bar (de MelkSalon) will pop up in Amsterdam. The MelkSalon is a temporary pilot and design room where the value of milk will be rediscovered. From 1 to 30 April at the Oude Spiegelstraat 6.

The Melksalon brings consumers, dairy farmers, dairy processors, designers and scientists together, to rediscover the value(s) of milk. Amongst other things they will organize lectures, design sessions, movie nights and walking tours. The full program is available here (unfortunately only in Dutch). With as highlights some Milk Talks and design sessions under the guidance of experts, an Old Amsterdam Milk Tour and some dinners with catchy titles such as Milk Unchained! And Milk Multi Culti! The dinners are in cooperation with Gilbert Kolff. The pop-up Melksalon is both a shop and a milk bar where you can walk in to taste special kinds of milk.

Why a Milk bar?

Around 1900, the streets of Amsterdam knew many milk parlors, where inhabitants could buy a glass of milk of local farmers. Today we buy milk in the supermarket, but milk still holds an important role in the Dutch history, (food)culture, economy, innovative spirit and in the countryside. Yet, many know little of this rich influence of milk. Milk in the supermarket has become an anonymous bulk product. At the same time there is a strong public debate about the consumption of milk, the impact on the environment and landscape, and the price one pays for it. With the pop-up MelkSalon they want to remove milk from the anonymity, and start a dialogue about the meaning of the product for our culture and society.

The pop-up Melksalon is an initiative of Sietske Klooster and Food Cabinet and is supported by the Dutch Dairy Association, The Milk Story, Triodos Foundation and the Committee Agricultural Innovation North Brabant.

Papa Poule, the new rotisserie chicken hot spot in New York



Rotisserie chicken served from the counter by Michelin starred chef Arman Arnal and team in New York.

The team behind the bakery Maman, with Michelin starred chef Arman Arnal (former chef at the Michelin starred restaurant ‘La Chassagnette’ in the south of France), Benjamin Sormonte and Elisa Marshall opened their new project Papa Poule in the beginning of February 2015. Papa Poule focuses on French rotisserie chicken that is only available for takeout and delivery.


Papa Poule had a lot of attention in the American press with their culinary (grill)chickens and Resto Poule & Poulette in Antwerp is also very popular. We wonder if we get a culinary revival of the chicken in the Netherlands as well?

The menu at Papa Poule

The menu includes a variety of flavoured rotisserie chickens, all massaged, marinated, and stuffed. The chicken will be finished with different sauces, including BBQ, honey mustard, béarnaise, chimichurri, and aioli. If a whole chicken is too much, you can also choose for a quarter or half a chicken to take away. There will also be a daily changing selection of sides, specials and desserts, like chicken potpie, potato gratin, sage-and-onion stuffing, Israeli couscous and profiteroles.


Papa Poule is located at Lafayette street in New York. It is a small room with no seating. The restaurant is inspired by a typical French farmhouse. The kitchen is enclosed with chicken wire and the lamps are made from this material as well. Check their Facebook page for pictures.

The PancakeBot, 3-D printer for pancakes at your breakfast buffet!


The PancakeBot allows you to ‘print’ out pancakes into just about any design you can imagine. Especially easy and fun for kids! Great for at your breakfast buffet.

Inspiration: A PancakeBot at your breakfast buffet.

Wouldn’t it be great to serve pancakes with your logo for breakfast? Or the logo of a company visiting your hotel? You could also organize a drawing contest between your youngest guests and serve the drawing of the winner for breakfast. We think that you could make a lasting impression with the PancakeBot.

About the PancakeBot

Although designed to inspire, entertain, and to enjoy the creativity of the users, the PancakeBot also has a commercial durability, it can make your brand leave a lasting impression. The designer of the Pancakebot, Miguel Valenzuela, wanted to make a pancake machine out of LEGO for his two daughters but the PancakeBot evolved into a complete patent pending product capable of creating pancakes. Miguel Valenzuela is succesfully funding at Kickstarter at the moment.

How does it work?

The user-friendly software allows you to design your own pancake by tracing any image right on your computer. From your favorite piece of art or character, a child’s drawing, a product image or your company or team logo, the software creates the file and the PancakeBot does the rest. Once you have traced the image, the files can be stored on an SD card allowing you to print the designs you have created without having to re-trace the image. The PancakeBot uses a patent pending batter dispensing system to ‘print’ the batter onto the included griddle. By using a combination of compressed air and a vacuum, the PancakeBot controls where the batter is dispensed.

A postcard from Istanbul, short film by the St. Regis


The opening of the St. Regis Istanbul on 1 March 2015 is celebrated with a short film to introduce the St. Regis into Istanbul. St. Regis Hotels & Resorts and Emmy award winning actor and director John Malkovich have partnered to make this film.

About A postcard from Istanbul

A film about Istanbul and love, A Postcard from Istanbul was shot at the historical locations of the city and at The St. Regis Istanbul. Featuring Julian Sands and Turkish actress Belçim Bilgin, the film unveils the sensory treasures and charm of the city. It tells the story about a screenwriter in search of inspiration, who travels to Istanbul and discovers the city’s attractions with the help of a tour guide.

The St. Regis Istanbul

The St. Regis Istanbul is situated close to the Bosphorus and is surrounded by luxurious boutiques, the very best culinary offerings and the finest of art and entertainment. Mere steps away are attractions such as the Maçka Park and Taksim square. The 5-star luxury hotel has 104 rooms and 14 suites.

Inspiration: Create your own ‘short film’ around a special occasion in your hotel or at your location. It could go viral and reach a lot of potential guests.

Cooperation into practice between MeetingReview and Olery


  • MeetingReview

Guests can write a review about their experience in the conference hotel ‘Kontakt der Kontinenten’ at one of the issued iPads, the App or in a aftersales survey of the hotel. These reviews are now visible on Meeting Review. This is an independent review platform for meeting locations. The conference hotel is the first location that uses business reviews not only internally but also publishes those reviews externally.

Conference hotel ‘Kontakt der Kontinenten’

Reviews are not yet common for conference and events centers. Commercial manager Lars Beckers of the conference hotel knows how important reviews are and has directly embraced the initiative of He thought it was not desirable though to ask his guests to write a review twice about the same meeting (on MeetingReview and his own website).

Cooperation between MeetingReview and Olery

Integration with Olery Feedback provided the solution. Olery is the company that collects and analyzes reviews of hotels, for example on, Zoover and many other website. Guests start a survey about their meeting and are asked if their assessment may be published on MeetingReview. If no permission is given, the answers will only be available internally. If there is an authorization, the answers to the questions are also passed to MeetingReview. The assessment will be screened by MeetingReview and if it complies with the terms of use, it will be published on the website of the Conference hotel.

The partnership between Olery and the conference hotel derives from the need to be able to publish the guests experiences, posted on various website, transparently on the website of the hotel. Visitors of the website of the conference hotel are able to see the exact and average score of the online reviews due to the Olery integration. At the same time the employees immediately know how the provided service has been rated. By merging various sources, the reliability increases. A partnership that provides transparency to future guests and guests who attended a meeting at the hotel.

Serve Cuipo Water and help to make a difference


  • Cuipo Water

Drinking Cuipo Water is a way to make a difference. With every bottle sold, 1 square meter rainforest is protected and preserved. As from May Cuipo Water is also available in The Netherlands.

An innovative online concept

Due to the concept of Cuipo Water everyone can do something to preserve this planet for the upcoming generations. With every bottle sold, 1 square meter of rainforest is protected and preserved. This is how it works, at every bottle of Cuipo a code is printed, customers have to enter this code at the website of Cuipo and after registration with their email address, they can check ‘their’ square meter on Google Maps and share it through Social Media. With each bottle sold a donation is given to the foundation ‘One Meter at a Time’. This foundation already owns around 105 million square meters. The sustainable PET bottle is made of recycled PET and has a 65% lower carbon footprint. Cuipo water is available in 500 ml. and 330 ml.

Cuipo Water available in the Netherlands as from May

Hoo Koen Tan and Han Kamminga of ‘Water Concepts Benelux’ were introduced to the originally American brand, and decided to contribute on saving the rainforest by introducing Cuipo in The Netherlands. Hoo Koen: “With Cuipo we want to increase the awareness: we need to protect the rainforest. The Cuipo approach is fun and sustainable at the same time, which makes it accessible, effective and it actual contributes to the world. We all drink water, so for everyone this is the way to make a difference.”

Give your guests a great feeling

Selling Cuipo bottles to your guests is a great opportunity to do something good to the world in an easy way. According to the people behind Cuipo this is possible without losing on retail value and margins. An additional advantage is that guests sign up with their email address. ‘Water Concepts Benelux’ is the exclusive seller of Cuipo in West-Europe.

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