Grand Resort Bad Ragaz is part of Bad RagARTz


Grand Resort Bad Ragaz is part of Bad RagARTz. Many sculptures from the exhibition are to be found in and around the hotel.

The Swiss town of Bad Ragaz is called Bad RagARTz from May 9 to November 1, 2015, this because they house Europe’s largest outdoor sculpture exhibition. The park of Grand Resort Bad Ragaz is one of the centers of the exhibition. If you want to know more about the sculpture exhibition BadRagARTz you can check the images in Google. Many enthusiasts have put beautiful pictures on the web.

Pillars of the Grand Resort Bad Ragaz

Grand Resort Bad Ragaz has an extensive park where a lot of sculptures are exhibited during BadRagARTz.. During the exhibition they show sculptures of international artists from 13 different countries including works by David Bill, Robert Indermaur, Igor Mitoraj, Werner Pokorny and Sophia Vari. The columns in front of one of the hotels are part of the exhibition. A beautiful way to display a column series! They also have a number of sculptures placed in the hotel, for example around the central staircase and in the entrance.

About Grand Resort Bad Ragaz

The Resort is member of ‘Leading Hotels of the World’ and ‘Leading Spa’s of the World and is situated in Bad Ragaz, Switserland. Grand Resort Bad Ragaz is just four miles from the Tamina Gorge, where the physician and alchemist Paracelsus documented the healing powers of the Bad Ragaz spring water in the 16th century. The Grand Resort comprised of two hotels: Grand Hotel Quellenhof & Spa Suites and Grand Hotel Hof Ragaz. The resort has a wellness centre of 12.800-square-meter spa, one of the largest in Europe. The hotel also offers rooms with medical care where you can recover from surgery or an injury.

Inspiration from Grand Resort Bad Ragaz


Restaurant Bel-Air in the Grand Resort Bad Ragaz offers a few dishes with local plants and herbs along with a small card with a picture, an explanation and a recipe.

Jelly from plants from the nature around Bad Ragaz

Renato Wüst, executive chef serves jellies of buckthorn, blackthorn and primrose in his dish ‘Terrine de foie gras maison, gelée d’argousier, primevère et prunier épineux’. Every jelly is described on a small card with a photo of the plant and the recipe! See the photos for inspiration.

Inspiration for other chefs

How often do you use local herbs or plants in a dish or special, distinctive ingredients? Is such a small card not a nice little welcoming gesture to your guests to provide more information about this dish? Furthermore, it is certainly a nice gesture to add a recipe for guests from the area. Name and phone number on it and you catch two birds with one stone: extra promotion of your dishes and you do not need to give more information to the table on that ingredient! Recently I also told my companions during dinner all I know about cresses, how you can use them and how healthy they are. You can also co-create a small card with a producer, like for example in this case with Koppert Cress.

Chizza by KFC in the Philippines


KFC Chizza (#KFChizza) is KFC Philippines’ newest product. It consists out of chicken fillet topped like a pizza!


A combination of two of the most well-loved food in the Philippines chicken and pizza, KFC Chizza features KFC chicken fillet topped with pizza sauce, pepperoni, bell peppers, pineapple tidbits, and melted cheese. A chicken fillet (pizza) crust in style of KFC and the taste and ingredients of pizza all in one.

#KFChizza; Inspiration for your country?

Sometimes you do spot food combinations that make you wonder whether the Dutch would love that! And then we came across this video, an ad for Kentucky Fried Chicken. We prefer a piece of chicken and a slice of old fashioned pizza on the side. KFC in the Netherlands, what do you think?

FoPo Food Powder creates powder of almost expiring fruits and vegetables


Kent Ngo created FoPo Food Powder which saves almost expiring fruits and vegetables by drying & powdering them.

FoPo Food Powder is a nutritious powder

FoPo food powder is a nutritious powder made from unattractive market fruit that has been freeze-dried just before it expires, in order to help reduce food waste.

Worldwide more than 40 percent of fruits are thrown away, unattractive items which are classified as unsellable are quickly disposed of by supermarkets. All over the world we see initiatives to reduce this food waste.  Like our Dutch initiative the Kromkommer and Inglorious foods in France. FoPo food powder is another ingenious solution created by students at Lund University in Sweden, who plan to freeze-dry fruit immediately before it expires. Food that otherwise would have been wasted can be used up to two weeks to two years later.

Freeze-dried almost expired fruit and vegetable waste

Freeze-drying isn’t a new technology, even in restaurant kitchens it’s used frequently to create powder.  New is that FoPo aims to freeze solely products that would otherwise be discarded. The powder will be sold to consumers to be used in smoothies, soups etc.  Besides that they hope that the food powders will contribute to help feed the hungry, especially in the Philippines, where the operation will be based. FoPo is crowdfunded through Kickstarter with, amongst others, a contribution by Ben & Jerry’s.

Inspiration: Chefs who are working with freeze-drying could try to use their almost spoiled fruits or vegetables and come up with ways to use this food powder, all in order to reduce food waste.

Pop-up power food restaurant with popular writer Rens Kroes


  • © Lisa Galesloot

For lovers of healthy and delicious food the popular writer Rens Kroes is a true hero. She is no longer ‘the little sister’, the Friesian has built her own health empire.
The second book of Rens Kroes ‘Power Food – From Friesland to New York’, was launched mid-June. In a sold out pop-up restaurant, guests could enjoy a very healthy dinner with dishes from her new book.

First pop up

Rens personally welcomed herthe guests, and had a culinary contribution to the diner as well, supported by a team of chefs. It was the first time that Rens presented her dishes to the public this way and all guests received a copy of the new book to take home. With two dinners and one lunch, a total of 135 guests could enjoying the food. That’s only a fraction of the 72.000 Facebook fans, 17.600 followers on Twitter and 223.000 followers (!) on Instagram and thus screaming for more events like these!

Friesland to New York

Rens was inspired by what she has seen, tasted and learned in Friesland and New York. She uses fresh, pure ingredients, and makes tasty dishes with nice combinations of spices. For every moment of the day Rens offers delicious and original, easy recipes. In daily life Rens is a nutrition coach and advises people in adapting a healthy lifestyle and diet.


Rens’ pop-up restaurant is made possible by Sien Concepts and sponsored by Amsterdam Flavours, Vedett, Bountiful, Arisz et al, Lemonaid – Charitea, V2Cgin, Bowls and Dishes, Catchii and Bloomon.

Inspiration: food blogger evening

For restaurants, it is interesting to consider a special evening with a popular food blogger or writer, it will amaze you how many loyal fans are waiting for events like these!

Restaurant in Leiden with homely atmosphere


The historic building ‘The Volharding’ at the harbour in Leiden in The Netherlands is the home base of homely restaurant ‘Lot & de Walvis’ since a few weeks now.

Homely atmosphere at restaurant in Leiden

The fictional tour of Lot and her van that was named ‘De Walvis’ (translated as The Whale) went through Southern Europe and South Africa and recently ended at the port of Leiden. At ‘Lot & de Walvis’ American Barn wood and authentic weathered materials are used, mostly gleaned together by co-owner Rob van Wijnen himself. In the opening week, neighbours were personally invited for a drink and 80 people attended the neighbourhood drink. Friends and residents got a 25% discount to have a taste of the food in the first week.


The walls are plastered and transformed from sleek and straight into coarse and wavy. It was a nightmare for the plasterer who was used to deliver plain walls, but the result feels very natural. The various areas are named after the various rooms as you would expect in someone’s house. By using the same tables and style both inside and outside, the various areas of ‘Lot & de Walvis’ feel as one. On the toilet hangs a sign “The toilet design is Lot’s next project”, indicating why this space is less connected to the rest of the restaurant and still needs a make-over.

Food and drink

The extensive menu provides the opportunity to have breakfast all day. In addition, there is a cacophony of categories with headings like ‘bites’, ‘sandwiches’, ‘soups’, ‘small dishes’, ‘homemade burgers’, ‘Lot’s favourite dishes’, ‘desserts’ etc. The fans of refreshing fruit water can eat their hearts out with complimentary glasses of water from three jars with for example fresh melon water, citrus water or lemongrass water. There are beers available from the local brewery Pronck Leiden, wine lovers can definitely enjoy themselves and trendy Gin and Tonic lovers are served as well.

The Hospitality Group Leiden

Just as you would expect when visiting someone’s home, new guests are given a tour of the property, which, with its many nooks and spaces is well suited for a discovery tour. The waiters are already experienced in welcoming guests because a part of the crew worked at the party centre La France in Oegstgeest. Lot & de Walvis is part of the Hospitality Group Leiden together with Van der Werff, La France and City Hall. The board consists of the brothers Richard and Wouter van Leeuwen and Rob van Wijnen. Wouter van Leeuwen and Rob van Wijnen are responsible for the hospitality companies in Leiden. Richard van Leeuwen focuses on four Harbour Clubs based in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Scheveningen and Ibiza.

It was a warm welcome at the harbour of Leiden. Although we would have loved to get acquainted with the real Lot!

Unique pop-up restaurants in Amersfoort


Coming Friday, 17 July there will be a pop-up dinner at a secret location in Amersfoort. There are still some seats left for adventurous food lovers.

Adventurous dining at pop-up restaurants

Visitors of pop-up restaurants are open to adventure and often naturally spontaneous. In addition, the hosts do a lot to break the ice and the reactions to the diners are positive. An interesting side effect is the free publicity the host location gets with such a dinner, and it offers unique closing events for locations as well. Two weeks after a dinner at the Porsche dealer one of the dinner guests bought a car and a number of sites closed shortly after the pop-up event, where the dinner leaves a nice final memory. There have been dinners at a gym, a library, a car dealer, a farmer barn and an art gallery. The initiative for the pop-up restaurants at special locations in the region was created three years ago at restaurant ‘Bergpaviljoen’ in Amersfoort.


The dinners host never more than 50 people at a communal table. Visitors come alone, in pairs or small groups. The location of the dinner will be a surprise until the day itself. When ordering tickets, guests fill in their mobile number and dietary wishes and leave their mobile number. They receive a text message with the location on the afternoon before the dinner. For € 59.00 per person, guests receive a welcome cocktail, appetizer, a 3-course dinner, plenty of white and red wine and mineral water, bread, coffee and tea with a digestive and sweets.

Superfast dinners in a giant jukebox during the funfair



Ibiza Restaurant in Tilburg (The Netherlands) turns its façade temporarily into a giant jukebox during the most famous funfair in the Netherlands.

Superfast dinners

Restaurant Ibiza lies at the fairground and at any day of the funfair the public can enjoy a delicious dinner at a number of fixed times. Dinner will take no more than one hour, guests don’t want to lose too much time! The meals in the jukebox are accompanied by musical entertainment. The giant jukebox will be on the ‘Heuvelring’ in Tilburg from 17 July to 26 July. Tickets are available through the website and range in price from € 19.99 to € 29.99 for a meal and two drinks.

Inspiration from the funfair in Tilburg

Tempting your guests with a great meal, served within the hour and a special entrance and music … Ibiza restaurant becomes part of the fair. A great way to approach their potential guests. What happens nearby your restaurant this summer? Anything you could anticipate on at an original manner? What would generate a lot of free publicity in advance and a lot of extra guests at the event? Restaurant Ibiza really understands the guests that are coming to the funfair, they love theatrical gestures, a good dinner and they need a lot of time to enjoy the amusement rides!

Playground CS is a pop-up beach opposite to Amsterdam Central Station


  • Artist-Impresion-Playground-CS-(c) Bete van Meeuwen
  • Playground CS logo
  • (c) Bete van Meeuwen

A pop-up beach for young families with children opens opposite to Amsterdam Central Station on 15 July. For six weeks, the former construction site of the North / South metro line will be a pleasant and safe place to play.

Playground CS

The pop-up beach is named ‘Playground CS’ and will be located at the Prins Hendrikkade. The beach will be ​​over 1500 square meters and approximately 250m3 sand is shipped to the spot from the former World Cup beach volleyball court at the Dam square.


Playground CS is an initiative of a group of entrepreneurs and is supported by the municipality of Amsterdam. The project is part of the ‘City in Balace’ program, which experiments to find a healthy balance between the growth of Amsterdam and the city life in clever ways. The project is conducted in collaboration with Tosti Creative and Amsterdam Verbindt.


Creative and sporty activities will take place on the beach every day for six weeks starting from 15 July onwards. Children can join activities like jeu des boules, a sand castle contest, child yoga, painting courses or an outdoor movie night. Although the initiative is mainly focused on children, it should be a nice place for parents and local residents as well. Adults can participate in tai chi or yoga classes in the morning, or start their day with a coffee and a newspaper in the sun. Cold drinks and snacks are for sale in a shipping container on the premises. More information about the project and its programming will be available on the Playground CS website.

Co-founder Joost Aartsen (Tosti Creative): “We hope to see five hundred happy faces daily at this exceptional location. It’s great that the municipality supports this initiative and wants to realize the project with ambitious entrepreneurs. The goal of this project is to form an Amsterdam collective to get the city in motion together. Anyone with good ideas is welcome to contribute.”


Antwerp’s urban park: Summer Josephine’s


  • Summer Josephine'sSummer Josephines, 2015, Monkeys at Midnight, Eddy Vergauwen
  • Summer Josephine'sSummer Josephines, 2015, Monkeys at Midnight, Eddy Vergauwen
  • Summer Josephine'sSummer Josephines, 2015, Monkeys at Midnight, Eddy Vergauwen
  • Summer Josephine'sSummer Josephines, 2015, Monkeys at Midnight, Eddy Vergauwen
  • Summer Josephine'sSummer Josephines, 2015, Monkeys at Midnight, Eddy Vergauwen
  • Summer Josephine'sSummer Josephines, 2015, Monkeys@midnight, Eddy Vergauwen, Kasper Stuart
  • Summer Josephine'sSummer Josephines, 2015, Monkeys@midnight, Eddy Vergauwen, Kasper Stuart
  • Summer Josephine'sSummer Josephines, 2015, Monkeys@midnight, Eddy Vergauwen, Kasper Stuart
  • Summer Josephine'sSummer Josephines, 2015, Monkeys@midnight, Eddy Vergauwen, Kasper Stuart
  • Summer Josephine'sSummer Josephines, 2015, Monkeys@midnight, Eddy Vergauwen, Kasper Stuart

This summer it’s already the second edition of the Summer Josephine’s, an urban park in Antwerp. The storage areas of City Brewery De Koninck are this summer the place to enjoy summer cocktails, specialty beers, fine food and a nice atmosphere again. Owner Kasper Stuart created a great space here to escape the hectic pace of the city life.

Daily summer festival

There is a central ordering caravan where you buy drink tickets and order food. there is a gourmet restaurant as well. The meat is purchased locally and cooked on the Big Green Egg or Mibrasa-wood oven. They also serve fish and vegetarian dishes.

Responsible for the design with a high vintage feeling is Designer Not Before Ten, this company is, among others, responsible for the design of Balls & Glory Antwerp & Ghent, The Brewery De Halve Maan (The crescent) in Bruges and Club La Rocca in Lier.

In the area of Summer Josephine’s, which is reached by a long hallway where you can enjoy graffiti by famous graffiti artists, you’ll find plenty of eye-catchers. Like, pallet constructions, vintage sofas, old-fashioned lampshades and second-hand accessories. And have a look at the beach chairs, a sandbox for the kids and picnic benches.

Inspiration: special cocktail evenings at Summer Josephine’s

Kasper Stuart also organizes special evenings around :Pimm’s Cup, one of our favorite cocktails. But also around the Cointreau Fizz. With a special cart for the Pimm’s Cup and a Cointreau Fizz bike on the site. Fun for a large summer terrace!

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