Ski slope at the Christmas fair


At Potsdamer Platz in Berlin a ‘Winter’ fair has already opened with a ski slope! Something different than the ‘standard’ skating rink!

Every year more cities are hosting an authentic ‘Christmas or Holiday’ fair at the end of the year. The most beautiful locations for Christmas fairs in the Netherlands are in the South of Limburg (Valkenburg), but also in Leiden where the Christmas fair is located on water… Both with skating rinks, an addition to the winter fun at Christmas fairs.

Dry Ski slope at the Christmas market instead of an ice rink

Last week I spent a couple of days in Berlin were we visited the ‘Winter’ fair at the Potsdamer Platz. They don’t have a skating rink (yet), but one can glide down a ski slope on tires. It is a dry ski slope with some fake snow from which one can glide on snow tires.

In my perception a dry ski slope is much more sustainable than an ice rink! Furthermore, winters are rare therefore children can’t learn how to skate on natural ice, so the group that knows how to skate is getting smaller. ‘Rutschen’ from a slope on a snow tire is a lot easier! ^ Marjolein

If you are looking for more inspiration, check out other Christmas markets all over the world. Fodors collected 10 holiday markets in this article.

Seaweed that tastes like fried bacon?


US researchers have discovered a strain of seaweed that tastes like fried bacon when fried. The seaweed not only tastes delicious but is also very nutritious.

The strain of seaweed ‘dulse’

The discovered ‘dulse’ is a red algae that can be found along the coast of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and is often used in the Asian cuisine. This is due to its high protein content and ‘umami’ taste. ‘Dulse’ has been used in Europe as an ingredient for smoothies and as a dried product it is used in a dietary supplement. The smoky bacon flavour can only be brought out when it’s fried. The seaweed grows in offshore farms in an environmentally responsible manner. The ‘dulse’ grows in recycled water and it only needs a limited amount of sea water and sun.

Seaweed as a substitute for meat

This seaweed could be a replacement for meat in the future. Besides that, it also allows vegetarians to taste the smoky flavour of bacon, without actually eating meat. With the impressive nutritional values, ‘dulse’ will be seen as a superfood, even though we are getting a bit bored with the ‘superfood’ hype. Anyway whether we stigmatize it as a superfood or not, this seaweed is another possible alternative food source.


It might be a great idea for restaurants, especially those located at sea, to start experimenting with this ingredient. The Food Innovation Centre (FIC) is currently also experimenting with this product, along with two other parties. Their Agricultural Experiment Station is located in Portland, Oregon. Read more about this meat substitute here.

Rotterdam ranked 4th place in the top 10 cities by Lonely Planet next year?


With a lot of new initiatives in town, it wouldn’t surprise us! Like for example RiF010 will open in 2016. The ‘Steigersgracht’ (part of the river De Rotte) in Rotterdam will be separated from the rest of Rotte. The water will be purified and a wave installation will be placed in this part of the river. Several kinds of water sports will be put into practice in RiF010.


At the beginning of the new, closed ‘Steigersgracht’ a ‘wave installation’ will be placed. Every 8 to 9 seconds, this installation will push a 1,5 meter high wave through the canal. The waves will make the RiF010, the ideal place for surfers in Rotterdam. Besides being the ideal place for surfers, the clear water makes RiF010 suitable for diving lessons, kayaking, stand up paddle surfing or bodyboarding as well.

The beach house

At the edge of the canal a wooden beach house will be placed. The beach house will offer a beautiful view on the surfers, paddle surfers and divers. Besides the view, it will also provide changing rooms and showers. The beach house will be located between the RiF010 and the actual river De Rotte. The location makes canoe trips on the Rotte through the centre of Rotterdam possible.

Construction and opening

The city initiative got most of the votes from the Rotterdam population last year. At this moment, the promoters of RiF010 are busy planning the entire project. It’s expected to open in 2016 and will be accessible to the public.

Ranking in the top 10 cities by Lonely Planet

We believe that initiatives such as RiF010 will certainly contribute to an even higher ranking in the recently published top 10 cities by Lonely Planet.

Slow-melting ice cream


Scottish scientists have discovered a new natural protein, BslA (Biofilm surface level A) that makes ice cream more resistant to melting.

The advantage of slow-melting ice cream

This new discovery allows us to eat ice cream in a relaxed way without getting sticky fingers, even on hot summer days. In a study conducted by a joint team from the University of Dundee and the University of Edinburgh, researchers have discovered this naturally-occurring protein. When added to ice cream, BslA binds together the air, fat, and water in ice cream, making them more stable in a mixture. Next to that the BslA has more advantages. The protein also helps to prevent the formation of ice crystals, giving ice cream a smoother, finer texture. Because of the fact that ice cream with BslA binds better, it will be possible to make ice cream with less saturated fat and calories.

This protein could be useable in products as chocolate mousse as well as in mayonnaise, due to the fact that you can lower the amount of saturated fats. More important, the taste of the product isn’t influenced. The protein is now used in a Japanese breakfast dish called Natto, that is made of fermented soybeans.

Not yet for sale

The slow-melting ice cream will not be on the market within the next three to five years. But in 2020 we will probably all enjoy slow-melting ice cream! working at a professional kitchen for one day


Through the Dutch initiative hobby cooks can work side by side with a star chef for a day at restaurant Amarone (* Michelin). The chef of restaurant Amarone, Gert Blom, is the ambassador for this initiative the coming year. ‘I genuinely like to allow amateur cooks to take a look at what we do and how much love and dedication we put into our work.’

A glimpse into the culinary world with is an initiative of Hans Zwart. Many amateur cooks secretly do have the desire to work in a real restaurant and turn their love for cooking into a profession for one day. makes this wish come true. Through their website they offer the possibility to work at a professional kitchen in one of the fourteen affiliated restaurants, restaurant Amarone (in Rotterdam) being the only restaurant with a Michelin star. Under the guidance of a professional chef the hobby cooks (possibly in a duo) will work in a professional kitchen, where they can learn some tricks of the trade.

Restaurant Amarone

The award-winning restaurant Amarone is run by star chef Gert Blom. The cooking style of Gert Blom is deeply rooted in, a lighter version of, the French cuisine. From the moment Gert was asked by, he viewed it as a great opportunity to give people a glimpse into his culinary world. As amateur cook you will get the opportunity to learn some of his tricks and apply it to your own cooking.

Catch your own fish at restaurant chain Zauo


The chain of Zauo restaurants in Japan serves fresh fish at the next level. Fresher is not possible, since guests can choose to catch their own fish.

Pricing policy at restaurant chain Zauo

It is even cheaper if the visitor catches his or her own fish. For example, the regular price for a red snapper is ¥ 3.360 (€ 25,=), but if the fish is caught by him- or herself, the guest only pays ¥ 2.499 (€ 19,=). The guest benefits in three ways: it is cheaper, it is fun and the fish is as fresh as possible. The fish can be prepared in various ways amongst others as sushi, tempura, pan fried and as soup. Restaurant Zauo has several locations in Japan and is very popular amongst residents and tourists.

The catching process at Zauo

The guest buys the bait at the restaurant at a price range between 100 and ¥ 200 (€ 0,75 and € 1,50) , and the fishing rods can be borrowed. Then you decide which fish you would like to catch and eat. You have to choose among others between sea bream, red snapper, flounder and lobsters. If the guest has problems catching the fish, employees are always willing to give advice. There is no such thing as a ‘catch and release’ here, once the fish is caught, he is bought. If the guest really doesn’t want the fish, the fish can be released for ¥ 200. If the fish is caught, the guest will hand it over to an employee so it can be prepared. Moreover, it can even be prepared in two different ways. If the fish doesn’t bite or if the guest fails in catching the fish, you can order from the menu. However this guest will not receive any discount! For guests who prefer anything but fish, there are alternatives, like fried chicken, chicken meatballs, fries and more.


Of course we are all familiar with the lobster aquariums which are sometimes even filled with fish. Or think about those fish ponds where you go to catch your own fish. They even sometimes have a restaurant located at these ponds where you can have your freshly caught fish prepared. Check out the video above to see the difference with the restaurant chain Zauo.

Is the Keurig KOLD system a replacement for the mini-bar?


With the Keurig KOLD system you will make your own soda in just 8 seconds. Will this be a possible replacement for the minibar?

How does it work?

The system is based on coffee machines like the Nespresso machine and the Senseo. The provider offers a range of flavours of soft drinks in the form of a pad. You can choose one of your favourite soft drinks, put the pad in the machine and push the start button. The water will be pressed through the pad. You are able to set your favourite temperature to get yourself a perfectly chilled, fresh glass of soda. The Keurig KOLD system works without the aid of a carbon dioxide cartridge, making it user friendly.

You can make different drinks with the Keurig KOLD system

Currently the producers have agreements with different soda vendors, such as Coca-Cola. In addition, the Keurig system KOLD can prepare different soft drinks, iced teas, flavoured waters and sports drinks.


The system seems an ideal replacement for the minibar. The only thing you have to think of is the presence of sufficient pads in the room. Especially the step of the final invoicel and the restocking of the pads in the room, will save much time and effort.

Bitter Balzz, variant of our famous Dutch ‘bitterbal’ filled with insects


At BUGZZ they create food with insects. Their goal is to bring the sustainable snack ‘Bitter Balzz’ in production and that is why they started a crowdfunding project.

Bitter Balzz

BUGZZ uses our traditional ‘bitterbal’ (a Dutch treat; a small round croquette) to let us, consumers, get acquainted with healthier insects in an accessible way. BUGZZ created the ‘bitterbal’ with buffalo worms. Everybody in the Netherlands has tasted a ‘bitterbal’ at least once, why wouldn’t they try the Bitter Balzz? At events where BUGZZ was present, the Bitter Balzz were very popular. Because of the fact that the insects are hidden, it is easier to move beyond prejudices against insects.

Why insects?

80% of the world use insects in all their dishes, and insects are, according to BUGZZ and their customers, very tasty and versatile. In recent years, we increasingly hear about insects as a healthier and more sustainable alternative to meat. Insects take up much less space, they need less nutrition and water and produce much less emissions in relation to, for example, the cow. Next to those facts they also contain a lot of calcium! There are many more initiatives in the field of insects, we spotted amongst others a pizza with grasshoppers and a spread made of mealworms.

Who are the people behind BUGZZ?

Anne-Marie and Patrick, the founders of BUGGZ have different backgrounds, but have one thing in common: they love to cook tasty and adventurous meals. BUGZZ has only been operative for half a year and they have been seen at different festivals like the NeighbourFood Market, ‘Rollende Keuken’, Best Kept Secret, Amsterdam Kookt and the Amsterdam Woods Festival. Anne-Marie, Patrick and their team try to convince people to try insects as an alternative food source, in an enthusiastic manner.

Joinn! Hotspot for Lounge, Work and Short Stay


Joinn! in Houten (a city located in the center of the Netherlands) is a new location with flex offices, a lounge & food area and 25 city lofts. The building in which Joinn! is located was empty for more than 5 years and has been transformed from regular offices into a unique hotspot.

Redeveloped into a hotspot

In many cities all over the world, the transformation of old buildings is high on the agenda. The so-called ‘transformations’ also fit into the policy that many municipalities have to deal with in the Netherlands, such as the ‘Ladder of Sustainable Urbanization’. The company Vides, located in Houten, keeps busy with redevelopments. The past two years they have redeveloped the former PTT Post Office and NS Offices in Houten into the hotspot Joinn! The company opens its doors next week and provides workplaces for the self-employed, a lounge (food & drinks) and city lofts (short stay, stay between two nights to one year).


Vidès and De Wit architecten were charged with the redevelopment, involving a creative process at every turn of the conceptual interpretation. In the lounge they will be serving a healthy breakfast with great coffee, yogurt-to-go, fresh smoothies and pastries. For lunch and dinner a lot of local products will be served and during the weekend guests can meet for cocktails, bites and experience live music in the lounge in Joinn!
For the catering section, the beating heart of Joinn!, our consultant Guido Verschoor (Van Spronsen & Partners horeca – advies), has provided support and co-direction during the concept interpretation.

Sharing good moments at Joinn!

The combination of different functions within the building creates flexibility, dynamics and synergy. ‘Sharing good moments’ is their motto. From 6 November 2015 the old building will be bursting with energy and hopefully new connections and inspiring ideas will originate from here! More information on Facebook.

Around the fondue tree ….


The Kapellerput brings a winter habit to the Netherlands. They went to France for inspiration and came back with an alternative ‘break’ during meetings, cheese fondue. You can do this around a fondue tree, a bar table with space for a bottle of wine, glasses and a fondue pot. The fondue tree can also be used at parties of course.

De l’arbre à fondue or the fondue tree

Maybe you already know the l’arbre à fondue, it originates from Switzerland and is used by restaurants and hotels located in winter sports regions, since a few years. The fondue tree is easy to move, enabling the service of a cosy cheese fondue at any place you like. Watch a promotional video from 2011 ….

About the Kapellerput

The Kapellerput is located in Heeze. The green estate is an inspiring place where a lot of meetings take place, particularly in their Kaban (tree house) and the home of (meeting in the relaxed atmosphere of a living room). They also have an innovative space, #Renewal, with all sorts of products that stimulate creativity. You can even create a pop-up meeting in the forest. Their new ‘break’-concept around the fondue tree combines incredibly well with the meeting concepts they offer. Let’s hope for cold but sunny weather during meetings at the Kapellerput this winter!

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