Flavour is also influenced by music


Shape, colour and actually all senses influence your taste. A new study has been released by Oxford-professor Charles Spence showing that the taste is also influenced by music. You can see the video here above, although it’s a bit long video, it’s very interesting. As inspiration: it could be nice to experiment with your background music! Rock music for your savoury dishes and ballads for your sweet dishes…

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Skyview De Pier


The construction of the fairy wheel on De Pier is a fact! Besides beautiful views, you will be able to enjoy delicious food here as from next month. Bram Kosterink interviewed Perry Oerlemans, the initiator of the fairy wheel and the owner of Skyview Attractions for us. lees verder

Chikko Not Coffee – coffee like we had in the war


Delicious coffee but without caffeine, that’s exactly what Chikko Not Coffee is! They sell two variants of coffee based on chicory and spelt. The caffeine free variant for coffee! Culinary journalist Joël Broekaert (from the Dutch newspapers NRC & Vrij Nederland): “pure chicory has a pleasant, bitter quality, just like coffee. It obviously has accents of mocha and cacao.” lees verder

Trends we spotted this week – week 24


  • Trends in het kort

At Horecatrends we spot a lot of national and international trends on a daily basis. We pick the most interesting ones to write articles about, the smaller trends we use in our column ‘Trends we spotted this week’. This week among others, an article about the ‘Meet Vincent van Gogh’ experience in China, a private PICKMEUP luxury taxi start-up in Amsterdam and Starbucks starts serving cold brew Nitro Coffee on the tap.

If you like to read the whole article, click the title. Enjoy reading! lees verder

Orange Wine, Smurfs Wine or a slushie with wine?


A glass of rosé or white wine in the sun, we love it! But at the moment Blue Wine is getting more and more popular. And we spotted the ‘new but old’ Orange Wine on the wine menu’s and we also found a slushie with wine!  We made a list with different new and old wines you will most likely see on the terraces this summer. From the wine and fruit slushie you could make your own signature slushie! And we spotted a wine product that, we think, would do great in a bathroom of a hotel in a wine region!
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At restaurant Soigné guests decide the wine pairing menu


  • Restaurant Soigné
  • Wijnarrangement van restaurant Soigné
  • Daar wil je toch graag een mooi glas wijn bij drinken!
  • Gasten bepalen het wijnarrangement van restaurant Soigné
  • De keuken van restaurant Soigné

Nice initiative of restaurant Soigné in Bussum (the Netherlands) and wine merchant Petit Clos (located in Bussum, Laren and Utrecht). Together they organise a special wine tasting in restaurant Soigné on Wednesday the 29th and Thursday the 30th of June. On these days the restaurant will serve its new 4-course menu Soigné for the first time, at the same time they let their guests decide which wines will be on the wine pairing menu! lees verder

Eating an ice cream roll in Paris this summer?


If you’re going to Paris this summer, you will able to eat an ice cream roll on Rue de Turenne. IceRoll boutique just opened a store in Paris, where they sell freshly made ice cream rolls with a touch of show! The ice cream is made on a Teppanyaki and is originally from Asia, and now starts to be popular in America and thus in Europe as well. It’s about time we get a store in the Netherlands! lees verder

Stoepmakers Oostplein


Inspiration from a local festival from Rotterdam. This weekend is the first weekend of Stoepmakers Oostplein (stoep means sidewalk, maker means maker. Stoepmakers is even in Dutch a non-existing word). The program is created by the residents and businesses in the neighbourhood. As of the 16th of June, everyone is welcome at the temporary artfully designed Oostplein. There will be monthly activities. Stoepmakers Oostplein ends on the 16th of September during Parking Day. lees verder

International allure at Patisserie de Rouw


After restyling Patisserie de Rouw has a design in which the pastries of Arthur de Rouw will be displayed beautifully. An entrance with international allure and an open kitchen for the costumers to see how the pastries are being made. Besides that, you can also order pastries via their new website and pick them up at a pick up point. lees verder

Smokey Jo’s Garage opened in Antwerp


BBQ’s, pigs on spit, live music and a craft-beer treehouse. All this and more while visiting recently opened restaurant Smokey Jo’s Garage, a place where the guests enters a hilliebillie area including crushed cars around you. lees verder

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