Bringing Lost Animals back on the menu


  • Kalfsburger met meerwaarde door Willem Schaafsma
  • Saté van stierkalf
  • Willem Schaafsma en Esther Gerlsma
  • Worst van Jerseystier

‘Lost animals’ like bull calves, young goats and Jersey bulls are usually destroyed because they have little economic value. Willem Schaafsma of restaurant ‘Eindeloos’, Sicco Gerlsma of restaurant ‘Tandjong Priok’ and butcher Jan Walburg established the ‘Lost Animals’ foundation. This Frisian (north part of the Netherlands) foundation wants to prevent animal cruelty and reduce the waste of these ‘lost animals’. The foundation was launched on 4 October 2014, World Animal Day, at a special lunch in the partially reopened restaurant ‘Tandjong Priok’ in Arum by signing an agreement with a local farmer, cattle dealer and butcher.

Why Lost Animals?

Sicco Gerlsma: “The change in regulations concerning the slaughter weight of calves and the consequences of this brought us to establish the ‘Lost Animals’ foundation. From 2015 on the requirements in the calf sector are sharpened mostly to reduce the use of antibiotics and calves lighter than 36 kilo may no longer be offered at the calve shelters. If farmers deliver a lighter calf, the shelters will even give a fine of € 100,-. Letting the calves getting older and heavier isn’t possible for most farmers because one of the other criteria at the shelter is that the calf should be delivered within the limit of 35 days. We fear that under the new regulations, calves which are too light will soon get an injection and will be destroyed, while the meat can be used properly in restaurants as well”.

‘Veal Burger with added value’

Recently, the 2 restaurant owners and the butcher conducted a trial slaughter with bull calves which resulted into ​​12 kilo of minced meat. The organs can be used as well as are the bones. They produced the ‘veal burger with added value’ with this minced meat. Lots of restaurants in the region are interested in the burger.

Website: Stichting Lost Animals

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