Bird Bingo | Virtual opening from the new tasting room ‘House of Bird’ from Bird Brewery


  • Vogelbingo door Bird Brewery voor de opening van 'House of Bird'
  • Vogelbingo door Bird Brewery voor de opening van 'House of Bird'
  • Vogelbingo door Bird Brewery voor de opening van 'House of Bird'
  • Vogelbingo door Bird Brewery voor de opening van 'House of Bird'
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Inspiration from Amsterdam! A virtual opening of a new tasting room from Bird Brewery. On April 25 from 8.30 pm those who ordered a Bird’s Bingo Beer Package can play a virtual ‘Bird Bingo’ from the new tasting room, ‘House of Bird’. The tasting room ‘House of Bird’ in the Diemerbos (near Amsterdam) would open in the end of April. Unfortunately, there is no big opening for the time being because of the lockdown, but the brewers want to give their guests a glimpse during a real ‘Bird Bingo’. If you’re living in the Netherlands you can play along, that is if you understand the Dutch language! Order a Bird’s Bingo Beer Package via their web shop, receive a special bingo card and play on a live stream on April 25 at 8.30 pm. You might even win a great prize!

How to open virtually! Here in the Netherlands lots of people love to play games these days and the guys from the Bird Brewery use that fact to open their new restaurant  and tasting room virtually.

Special opening with a “Bird Bingo” and Bird’s Bingo Beer Package

“I’m really looking forward to the Bird Bingo, it’s going to be really fun. During the bingo we will taste some beers, giving away some prizes and giving a tour of our new tasting room”, says co-founder of ‘House of Bird’, Ralph van Bemmel. “Sounds like a great night, right?”

To participate, you can order the Bird’s Bingo Beer Package. You will receive a bingo card with every 12 bottles. All participants will receive the link for the live stream, so that they can play on April 25 at 8.30 pm. With prizes such as a dinner for two, special beer package and merchandise, there is also something to play for. Although the fun is of course the most important.

Positive reactions

The closed catering industry makes it difficult for breweries. “Fortunately we receive many very positive reactions and many more orders in our web shop. That really helps us during this difficult period”, says co-founder Rik van den Berg. “That way we can continue to brew great beers in the coming years.”

Bird Brewery has made an impact in recent years with their award-winning beers and their interaction with nature. Thanks to partnerships, the brewery planted over 60,000 trees and donated 1.2 million liters of drinking water. In May, if possible, they will open their new restaurant and tasting room in the Diemerbos.



Website: House of Bird

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