Baked Bouquet | Florist bakery


The florist bakery named ‘Baked Bouquet’ is creating eatable cupcake bouquets. Although we know that the cupcake trend has long been finished, we got really excited when we saw a couple of bouquets of the Baked Bouquet at pictures. Some inspiration for the catering companies: place the cupcake bouquets at dessert buffets.  

Florist bakery

Although we spotted flower bouquets made of cupcakes almost from the day the cupcake got trendy, we have never seen it done so perfect! The bouquets of this florist bakery are unbelievable great looking, check out their Instagram account. Baked Bouquet is located in Verona, New Jersey. Nice gimmick on their Facebook page: find the cupcake bouquet in pictures full of real flowers. Well we couldn’t but you could win a free box of cupcakes!


Like we said, Baked Bouquet’s cupcake bouquets will make your dessert buffet very special. But instead of giving

Website: Baked Bouquet

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