Celebrating Together | Bagels & Beans creates a Christmas tree for War Child


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  • De Kerstboom
  • Logo Bagels & Beans
  • De Kerstboom
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Great initiative by Bagels & Beans to celebrate their 20th anniversary. From Tuesday, December 6th until Monday, January 2nd Bagels & Beans celebrates its 20th birthday by creating a special Christmas campaign for War Child. During this period, visitors will find a sticker on their table at their Bagels & Beans joint. This Christmas ornament sticker can be pasted with some small change on the cardboard Christmas trees located at every Bagels & Beans shop. The pasted coins will be donated to War Child.

Jubilee Bagels & Beans

War Child was founded in October 1995. A few months later Bagels & Beans opened in Amsterdam. To celebrate their anniversary, more or less at the same time, Bagels & Beans created this Christmas campaign. “We wanted to do something special for our twentieth anniversary. We will also publish a book on the coffee farmers who grow our arabica beans in Panama,” says Ronald Baker, co-founder of Bagels & Beans. “We also wanted to do something for charity. We don’t advertise it, but being involved in creating a better world has been part of the DNA of Bagels & Beans from the beginning.”

War Child

Tjipke Bergsma, Director of War Child is very excited about the campaign: “How wonderful that guests of Bagels & Beans will not only enjoy their refreshments, but also get the opportunity to support others while celebrating this anniversary. War Child is thrilled with this wonderful Christmas present. This way we hope to be able to help many more children affected by war.”


Ronald: “How much we will collect for War Child? I really have no idea. But I count on the generosity of our guests.” And if they don’t have small change in their pocket? Ronald smiling indicates: “No problem, we like to exchange it for them!”

Website: Bagels & Beans

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