Big Bang Broccoli
Broccoli has now its own advertising in the Netherlands. The Big Bang Broccoli campaign is launched by FoodGuerrilla, supported by Greenport NHN, Frugiventa, ZLTO and The Greenery. The goal of the campaign is to address that only 5% of the Dutch consumers eat enough vegetables and fruit. The broccoli season will be opened on 31 May and fresh Dutch broccoli will be auctioned at central locations in Amsterdam in collaboration with Dutch growers. From 31 May to 11 June FoodGuerrilla will organize surprising guerrilla campaigns like a broccoli pop-up diner in the ‘Geef café’ or sampling at railway stations. The campaign ends with the presentation of the Golden Broccoli, a price for a farmer/grower in the Netherlands that uses the smartest marketing possibilities to sell his broccoli.
Website: FoodGuerrilla