47 Anno Domini ǀ Wine bar and restaurant with real Italian Influences


  • 47AnnoDomini47 Anno Domini
  • 47AnnoDomini47 Anno Domini
  • 47AnnoDomini47 Anno Domini
  • 47 Anno Domini47 Anno Domini
  • 47AnnoDomini47 Anno Domini
  • 47AnnoDomini47 Anno Domini
  • 47AnnoDomini47 Anno Domini
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At the beginning of this year, the Italian restaurant 47 Anno Domini opened its doors in Groningen. The restaurant is owned and managed by the young entrepreneur Valeria Scamacca. She is only 21 year old and thus most probably the youngest entrepreneur of this city. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Ever since Valeria was a little girl she could be found at the restaurant of her parents and soon it became clear that she wanted to pursue a career in hospitality. And so she did, she studied International Hospitality Management and the firsts plans for her own restaurant were already made before graduating.

Eye for details

When entering the restaurant you immediately walk into a cozy and stylish environment. The property in which the restaurant 47 Anno Domini is located exists out of two areas who are connected by means of a wide corridor. Along one of the walls of this corridor old wine cabinets filled with unique wines are set up. For example they serve the Italian wine Le Argille, which is riped in cement barrels or the Azzura rossa, a solid red wine with an alcohol percentage of 16%. The owner has chosen to maintain different concepts for the areas but two concepts who perfectly complement each other. One of the area’s is the wine bar, a place with large lounge sofa’s and cozy corners. For example, a place from where guests can easily move to the restaurant after drinking wine and eating small bites. But it also works the other way around, after dinner at the restaurant guests can bulge out at one of the lounge sofa’s at the wine bar.

47 Anno Domini | Italian roots and real Pinsa

The original enlarged family picture of Valeria’s Grandparents stands out at one of the walls of the restaurant area. Her family and Italian roots are not just present at this wall. The Italian roots and old family recipes of Valeria and her Chefs can also be found in the menu of 47 Anno Domini. ‘With respect for the Italian traditions famous dishes are revived’. The old family recipes are given a modern twist. The restaurant is opened every week from Tuesday till Sunday for both lunch and dinner. Besides the regular Italian insalata’s and pasta’s, 47 Anno Domino also serves Pinsa for lunch, or in other words small warm pizza bread. A dish which isn’t seen on many Italian menu’s within the Netherlands but definitely one you should try when visiting 47 Anno Domini!

Website: 47 Anno Domini

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