1 million funded for scaling up sustainable restaurant chain


  • Duurzame restaurantketen Jack BeanMathijs Huis in 't Veld en Pepijn Schmeink van Jack Bean
  • Duurzame restaurantketen Jack BeanGerechten van Jack Bean
  • Duurzame restaurantketen Jack BeanMathijs Huis in 't Veld en Pepijn Schmeink van Jack Bean
  • Duurzame restaurantketen Jack BeanGerechten van Jack Bean
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Sustainable restaurant chain Jack Bean has raised 1 million euros growth funding. With this money, the start-up from Rotterdam will expand to Amsterdam and the sustainable restaurant chain will prepare for further national upscaling.

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Investors Jack Bean | The sustainable restaurant chain 

The investment comes from impact investors DOEN Participaties and the ifund Foundation. In addition, several informals and 170 crowdfunders have stepped in. “This funding enables us to open a first location in Amsterdam and prepare our organization for further growth of our sustainable restaurant chain to locations throughout the Netherlands. The ambition is to provide all residents of large cities in the Netherlands with a tasty, sustainable, and nutritious meal within 30 minutes”, says co-founder Mathijs Huis in ‘t Veld.

More local and plant-based food consumption

Our food system is responsible for a third of global greenhouse gas emissions. By eating more plant-based and local food, consumers can make a major contribution to combating climate change themselves.  Jack Bean helps the Dutch by creating a more sustainable diet and make this easy and attractive. Huis in ‘t Veld: “Contributing to a sustainable and healthy planet is a lot more fun for consumers if it is combined with convenience and enjoyment. Jack Bean wants to be the trusted partner for consumers in their journey towards a sustainable diet.”


National upscaling

With the fresh investment, the company will open a new location in Amsterdam. Investments will be made in expanding the management team, targeted marketing and strengthening the company’s back-end. By the end of 2022, the sustainable start-up is aiming for a Series A round, which should enable the company to grow to at least 10 locations in 5 cities before the end of 2024.

About Jack Bean

Jack Bean was founded in Rotterdam in 2018 by social entrepreneur Mathijs Huis in ‘t Veld and sustainable chef and restaurant entrepreneur Pepijn Schmeink. Serving local, 100% plant-based food in busy city spots, the company is a pioneer in the transition to a healthier and more sustainable diet. Jack Bean uses a chain approach in this, in which sustainability extends further than just the vegetable proteins on the plate. The company is also fully committed to ingredients from regenerative farmers and the company aims to drastically reduce disposable packaging.

Website: Jack Bean

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